We’re excited about our Logo…

Every adventure begins with a dream--we are excited to tell you about the Ace Nutrition Logo, and the thoughts and dreams behind it!

First the Name: We’re called Ace Nutrition because an ace is simply the best—it can be the best player on a team, the best serve in tennis or an Ace in the hole, which is an advantage that you have over an opponent or a rival. We believe that most athletes use their God-given talent and training, but few understand how to add sports nutrition principles to their training regimen. (And BTW, Ace is the name of my dog, who is a wire-haired fox terrier...and simply the best!)

“Fuel for Sport”: emphasizes that food is fuel, and just like a car cannot operate when empty, an athlete cannot perform at his or her best when under-fed.

“Fuel for Life”: means life moves fast, so you must adapt your habits during different phases, like pre-season, in-season, off season, and during injury. Fueling for Life also means fueling throughout your life, and applies to athletes and active people of all ages.

The colors: Green represent different turfs, fields, or courts where games and matches occur, and where athletes get to test out their fueling game plans. Purple represents the polyphenols in recovery foods, reminding us that fueling is not just for before an event, but also for recovery which may last up to 7 days after.

The “A” in Ace Nutrition: reaches upwards to the sky, representing your hopes and dreams that are felt every day when practices are long, and you are too tired to cook. The “A” is also not perfectly shaped—because life is NEVER perfect, and neither are eating habits—there is no one way to fuel and no good or bad foods at Ace Nutrition.

Come visit us online or by telephone today!


Why Start A Nutrition Coaching Service?